• Information

It is native to the west coast of Africa. So named because it feeds on fruits in fermentation.

His body is yellow with black spots and their wings have orange and dark areas. Its size is slightly smaller than the housefly.

Despite its origins, it is also called Mediterranean fruit fly, as in Mediterranean countries is where their economic impact has become more apparent, affecting many crops.

When the larvae feed on the pulp promotes oxidation processes and premature ripening of the fruit causing a rotting fruit that is unfit for the market and causing serious economic losses.

Desfiplagas has to do with effective flycatcher traps, made of a special plastic capable of withstanding ultraviolet rays and emits no odors when heated.

Baits more employees are usually food, or pheromones that are more effective depediendo case are used. using DDVP is also possible. This type of trap is especially recommended by our applicators to catch Diptera.

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